If you’re using Dotnetnuke and Ventrian Property Agent to build your webpage, sure you like to know how can modify ventrian PA by yourself.
Before we start to modify Ventrian PA Module, you need to download the File below:
Dotnetnuke version 4.x or 5.x
Ventrian Property Agent Install File and Source File (Any Version)
First, Install a Dotnetnuke in your Localhost. You can download the Dotnentuke from http://www.dotnetnuke.com
After install Dotnetnuke, open your Website and install the Ventrian Property Agent using the Install File that you download. When you finish install the Ventrian PA Module, try to import a template on it and fill in a new property after import a new template. Template can be downloaded from http://www.ventrian.com
Ok. When all of this have been done, unzip the Ventrian Property Agent Source File. Copy and Paste all the files on it to the Ventrian PA that you installed. Normally the Folder will be on C:Inetpubwwwroot(your DNN name)DesktopModulesPropertyAgent
Open the folder and find a file which name “Ventrian.PropertyAgent.vbproj”. Open it with Notepad, and scroll to bottom. You will see a line which like
Change it to
<IISUrl>http://localhost/(your DNN name)/DesktopModules/PropertyAgent</IISUrl>
Change it to
<IISAppRootUrl>http://localhost/(your DNN name)</IISAppRootUrl>
All done. Now can open the Ventrian PA project with Microsoft Visual Web Developer.