If you have been using a lot of Google Products like I do, you probably need this tips. Imagine everyday I have to open Google Analytics, Adsense, Adwords, Webmaster Tools and 2 Google Apps accounts and 2 Gmail Accounts just to keep track on my production site?
Log in and out plus page loading all these things… some times drive me crazy as I’m like spending 15minutes a day just to open and reopen and login and re-login all these pages, and that is spending 3.8 days in a year just to logging in and out from/to my accounts! This hasn’t include other accounts like ebay, youtube, Facebook blar blar blar…
Really! I’ll shoot yooou! Ok, the first solution is simple. Most of the people just don’t categorized their browser bookmark (like me) or categorized the websites into its nature like blog, food portal, news etc…which ended up sometimes you don’t even know where did you put in last time and you never see the website again.
The first solution is simple, group all the websites that you use frequently rather than categorized it. So when you open your browser to do work, mouse over to the bookmark folder and click open All in Tabs! One more thing, you can bookmark the same website in other folder/category too! Thus, you can create another folder for leisure time which may has a gmail site inside too 🙂
The second method is to preserved on browser for work and another for browsing or shopping. As some of you may have notice that FireFox is not safe at all due to the fundamental framework problem, all lot of third parties extensions and getting more users which result in hackers’ second favorite target.
So far, the best browser for surfing around and reading is Opera 9. It has the best vision, graphic rendering and cool text font. The best thing is that it does not have third party extension that may have your security compromised.
For Shopping, I still think that Internet Explorer is safer than Firefox to some extend provided that your IE doesn’t not visit suspicious websites. Google Chrome will be a good options as well.
I’m testing few Password Manager too but I found that it is quite insecure to have the manager to store all of my password in my computer. Guess I still prefer a safer way which is never use cookie to remember my password and waste 3.8 in a year to log in and out….
The third thing is to use Google Apps’ domain Alias, POP3 and SMTP to merge all email accounts into one. I’ll put that into next post…if not I may not know what to write next as my mind is kinda in a mess recently.
Please share your secret ways to save time in the Internet, will ya? 🙂