The following article is fully adopted from Patrick Chan’s Sunday Report. He is well-known as a Internet Marketer, Speaker, and Motivator…and more maybe. This is not an affiliate promotion or paid per post things. I just wanted to share it to others as it is a wonderful ‘pursuit of happiness’.
Sunday Email – Part 3
I can still remember my dad said…
Why don’t he gets a real job?
He was referring to me at that time. It was year 2003 when I was "self-employed"
– doing my own stuff which my dad doesn’t really have a clue what EXACTLY
I’m doing.
"Do you know what he’s doing?" Asked my dad to my mum.
Mum doesn’t have much clue as well but she believes in me. More of that later on.
You see, I can’t blame Dad to think like that at all. Dad’s been driving taxi for over
10 years now.
He’s a hard-working blue collar worker – Wakes up in the morning, have a good
breakfast (Butter and bread) at home and off he goes driving to bring back the
money for the family. Every single day he works… 7 days a week. There’s no such
thing as an off day unless the family is having some sort of outing or, if he’s sick.
And if he felt sick, he really does.
Driving taxi may looks easy to most people. I mean, how tough could be to stay
focus on the road with all of the senses God given?
But have you try driving for 8 hours a day… 365 days — multiply that by 10 years?
And you don’t get to meet nice passengers everyday, my friend.
I respect my Dad. I just don’t know how to tell him that I love him.
Guess you can tell… Dad’s income is hard-earned money. Man, the sacrifices he
have done for the family, I don’t think words alone can describe them.
Each trip, he’ll earn a few bucks. He’ll have to collect those to reach a few
thousands a month so that he can provide his family a better life, so to speak. And
Dad’s a frugal person too. Not because he is a cheapskate, but because money was
not easily accumulated by him.
I mean, if you start to earn a few dollars each time you completed a task, I bet that
you’ll see money differently. I know I would.
Like any parents, I think Dad’s ideal hope was that his children will have good
education and end up with a good job. I mean, career.
I get good education at school, no doubt about that. But unfortunately, I wasn’t cut
to be one of those smart kids.
Smart kids in school will give a kind of look … You know, the look that goes,
Look at that bummer. Wonder what he’s gonna end up doing after the school days.
I flunked.
I was not accepted to go to any public Universities to further my education
because of my low grades. Dreams shattered into pieces.
The next choice was private college.
But if you were me… will you take your Dad’s hard-earned money gained from
driving in the hot sun to pay the darn college fee?
That’s tough.
Mum wanted to give me her life saving if I need money to go for college. She’s a
housewife and doesn’t have an income.
Forget it. That’s even worse.
So I have to work – But the problem is, I can’t get a good job because I’m not
qualifed, academically.
You see, in order for me to be qualified for most of the jobs that I want, I wouldn’t
be able to pass the first stage because most companies will look at the damn paper
first to evaluate me. No diploma or degree. Not even a certificate. Better luck next
time, bucko.
You can tell that getting a job wasn’t easy then.
So I end up as a salesperson. I get paid when I sell.
That’s it.
The harder I sell, the more money I’ll make.
I ended up becoming a very HARDWORKING person for money. Well, that’s
good and bad depending on which angle you’re looking at.
That’s my JOB.
To cut the story short, I was in the sales line for almost two years before I stepped
out to do my own stuff. The products I’ve sold ranges from door-to-door greeting
cards to electronic components for corporate clients.
Then one fine day, I felt like quiting my job.
I’ve had it.
It’ll take at least "10 Sunday Emails" to write how in the world I end up doing my
own stuff.
In a nutshell, I started doing my own entrepreneurial stuff, alone.
The only thing backing me up that time was… me.
Don’t laugh when I say this — I just have this strong desire to achieve more in life.
If you read this post completely, I’ll tell you the reason, ok? So stay with me.
Imagine, being alone and running like a madman to make money. You know,
when you’re over optimistic, it’s just ain’t ‘healthy’. Don’t you feel that the
enviroment and community somehow act to ‘help’ you to become normal and not
to be successful? I know it’s strange but try talking to your friends that you want to
make money from the internet soon.
Mum and Dad weren’t all excited. I mean, how could they be?
My relationship with Dad wasn’t all colorful for a long period of time since the
day I quited my "good" job. I think, he was dissapointed and confused of how
stupid I was. And I can see his point now, but not at that time. I was slightly
dissapointed with him for not standing on my side.
Even my ex-girlfriend’s parents were surprised at that time. They think their
daughter’s future is going to be a deep struggle coz I don’t have a job
anymore. Most of my friends (Except for the super close ones) start to avoid me
because they don’t see any benefits mixing with a ‘loser’.
I don’t have much support after that.
And they are all RIGHT.
I messed up.
Should have stick with a good job.
And all of these having nothing to do with Internet businesses yet. I was just trying
to do my own stuff like multi-level marketing business, printing business,
marketing seminars, etc.
Like usual, things are good in the beginning and they started to fell off apart as
time goes by without proper planning.
That is when I turned to the internet to sort out my financial disaster.
Gosh.. Just by remembering myself in that shoe still gives me the chill. No money
left in the bank and full of credit card debts. I can tell you that it wasn’t fun. Don’t
try this at home.
Lucky for me, Mum was there to support me financially. I don’t know whether it’s
a mother’s instinct or she simply believes in me.
What the heck. Took it to pay off my debts first.
The sad part was… I can’t share my problem with most people because they’ll go,
I told you so.
As my money keep draining out each day, I spent more time to understand how to
make money online.
You’ll think I lied if I told you what kind of sacrifices I’ve done to learn how to
make money online.
At that time, internet broadband wasn’t even existed yet in the area where I live.
I have rented an office at that time.
So after work (After 6.30PM), I’ll go back home to have a quick dinner and a nice
shower. That would be about 9.00 PM. Then I’ll rushed back to the office to learn
all I can about internet marketing and start building it. I can still remember I was
the only person in the whole office block. Not in the office, but the WHOLE
Can’t be surprised because I’ll normally be up until 2.00 AM in the morning.
Until to a stage, the
security guard of the office block knows me personally and we
became friends.
And kiss goodbye to weekends. My new best pal for the weekends is non other
than Mr. Computer.
I’ve even sneak to do my internet stuff when working in the daytime.
And did you think I made money after all of these sacrifices?
I don’t get it. All of these courses that I was reading at that time told me it was
Now I can fairly assumed that these marketers probably have never made a single
red cent online before other than selling courses to innocent people like me.
I can’t still remember I bought a "Blaster" that time. The membership claimed that
it’ll send my advertising message to 100,000 subscribers from a click of a button.
Wait. I think it was 1,000,000. Geez. I can’t remember but I’m pretty happy at
100,000 that time.
When I sleep that night after hitting the "Send" button, I lay my eyes shut with a
pleasant smile on my face … expecting to make money by tomorrow morning.
That was a nice feeling. The hope. Wow.
Ha. You know happen, don’t you?
NOT EVEN ONE VISITOR from that promotion.
Dammit. Why did they lie to me????? I’ve paid my $29.95 and the salesletter says
it’ll send out to 100,000 people.
I then realized that, I was not alone. Thousands of people paid for a ‘hope’ that can
never be achieved.
Until today, I still don’t get it why people are still selling this kind of ‘software’
when they know it’s not working? I guess money is a good reason to do almost
anything online for some marketers. It’s nothing wrong … but for God’s sake, sell
something that works!
I’m just banging my head on the wall.
Failure after failure, but I would not give up. It’s so close that I can ‘taste’ it, only
in my dream of course.
It took me at least 6 months to get my first sale.
It was tiring.
But I strived with a reason. Call it whatever you want — an ambition, a goal, etc.
During that time, no one knows the deep s#@t I’m in except for my mum. She’s
always there for me, morally or financially. Sometimes, she’ll be worried about me
because she’s afraid that I don’t know what to do with my life. I tried to explain to
her but how in the world can I expect her to know what’s an opt-in list. Thanks for
hanging there for me, Mum. You’re the best.
It’s sad but I can’t tell Dad. Dad will always have the thought…
See? I told you so but you wouldn’t listen.
Until today, Dad doesn’t really know what I do but he’s cool now because I’ve
brought in results that he can see. House. Car. Watch. You know.
The struggle I’ve been through was not easy but I can tell you this — it’s WORTH
Am I successful? Compared to a few years ago, yeah. Everyday, I can go to sleep
with my eyes shut with a smile on my face for a better
tomorrow. But other than that, I think I’m just scratching the surface only.
There are many messages I want to pass to you from my sharing today.
You’ll read all kind of salesletters online selling to you a "hope". Marketers do that
all of the time and I highly recommend you to do that as well when you’re selling
something online one day (or now).
*Marketing tip: Sell the hope, not the product.
But if you’re not ready to be in a difficult situation, don’t bother to buy it. Please
don’t for the benefits of you and the marketers.
I like to think all marketers are good people – Selling to you products so that you
can improve yourself.
But hey, you gotta think for yourself that it’s gonna required your time and effort
It’s going to require you to SACRIFICE. What are the sacrifices? I don’t know! It
could be cutting down on your TV time everyday or lose playing with your kids.
I hate it when I need to throw in the cold water to you like this. It just doesn’t adds
up more points for you to like me. But if I want to help you, I have no choice do it.
I’m sorry. I don’t want to sell you a hope that cannot be achieved but hope that can
come true.
If a marketer tells you to buy his course without doing anything and you’ll make
money online, I think he’s a liar.
Lucky for him, he’ll probably get away with that because that’s what all people
want to hear. Just like the "Blaster" I’ve bought.
So this leads me the next million-dollar question…
What is the thing that will moves you to do this?
A purpose.
You might know that I’ve coached hundreds of students to make money online by
A student attended my internet marketing workshop with a passion.
So I asked him, "What’s your purpose to learn how to make money online?"
He told me that…
His mum is getting older every single day. He loves her a lot. I can see that in his
eyes when he was sharing with me. But with his current job, there’s no way he can
be at home with her while making money. I think he wanted to build an internet
business because of a very powerful purpose – To stay at home with his mum and
having the ability to decide what time he’ll work. Today, he’s making money
online fulltime and quited his job.
Is that strong?
Another story was a little bit interesting…
Let’s call this guy, A. A has a rich dad. But he’s sick and tired of being treaten like
someone who gained respect because of his dad’s wealth.
Look, having a rich dad is a blessing. But, if everyone is treating you nicely
because of your dad, that sucks.
There’s only one purpose why A wants to start an online business –
And I doubt it’s because he needs money.
He has a strong purpose which is to proof to the world that HE CHAN DO IT. He
doesn’t need his dad’s money or influence to be a successful person. And guess
what… he made money online too. The last time I heard, he got 3 niches on the
internet now and the best part is, I think he’s only 23 years old this year.
A, if you’re reading this, I want to tell you that I’m very impressed with your
attitude to be on your own and proud of you.
For me, I have a purpose too. A desire to go all out and create my own wealth.
I want to be rich, yada, yada, yada. You know, the normal reasons why everyone
in the world is putting effort to achieve what they want.
But I think, what really DRIVES me was "revenge". Ok, revenge is too harsh to be
It’s a desire that I want to proof to those who looked down on me that I’m not
capable of becoming successfully. I know, it sounds ‘evil’. But I don’t think it is if
you’re seeing it from my point of view.
You see, during the schooling days, I just hate the feeling I get from the teachers
and the other students that I’ll be a loser when I grow up.
Hate it. It’s hurtful.
Heck, I can still remember one of the school teachers doesn’t wants to answer my
She thinks it’s useless to answer me anyway coz I would never catch it. And all I
want was to catch up with the smarter kids. Hey, I want to be smart too.
Then, I wanted to show my other friends who have rich parents that I can be as
good as they are.
Or should I say, the same good life that they’re experiencing. If I don’t have rich
parents, I’ll create my own wealth. I’ll still go vacation at places they went, drink
the wine they can affort, etc.
How about Dad?
You got it. I want to proof to my Dad that I was doing the ‘right’ thing all of this
There are just so many other people that I want to proof. But I think, the most
important person that I want to proof to was… ME.
I want to proof to myself that despite my background, I CHAN still do it.
I think that purpose is strong enough to move me to quit my job that time.
"So, what’s your purpose?"
You have to ask yourself why you’re doing this –trying to make money online.
Trust me, without a good motivator like a purpose, you can’t go far.
Each time you get kick dirt in your face, just remember your purpose. Then, you’ll
‘fight’ back the whatever obtactles that comes along your way.
I think a stronger message I want to pass to you is..
There. You have it.
Is there any other lessons I’ve missed out?
I think there’s another one.
The internet is not bias. It doesn’t care how old you are, where you from, what’s
your academic education level, who you mix with, what’s your race, etc. Anyone
can make money online. So I think you should take advantage of this if you think
that you have a "weakness" in the offline world now.
I’ve spent more than an hour to write this and the last thing I want to do is to throw
a sales pitch for you to buy my product. All I want is that you get the
lessons out of this post. But if you think you need a short cut to online success
without going through what I’ve experienced, email to me at for a product recommendation.
Lastly, if you have any comment and feedback, feel free to leave one at this end of
this post. Or, if i’s private, shoot it to me at with
Subject: Sunday Email – Part III.
You "Chan" Do It!
-Patric Chan
Are you broke yet? :^