DNN 6 finally comes with pop up login window but many people actually fooled by its tricky method to do that. The DNN 6 pop up login module is created using Jquery to load the default login page via iframe!
Therefore, to modify the design of the login panel, you will need to look for 3 main parts:
1. The pop up windows design.
2. The login page.
3. The Login module.
First, if you wish just to disable to pop up login, all you need to do is disable “Enable Pop-up” under Site Setting > Usability Settings. *This setting is site wide.
If you only wish to disable the only login module pop up, you will need to locate this file in
Then look for line 119-122 and remove it.
if (PortalSettings.EnablePopUps && PortalSettings.LoginTabId == Null.NullInteger)
loginLink.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return " + UrlUtils.PopUpUrl(loginLink.NavigateUrl, this, PortalSettings, true, false, 300, 650));
To modify the pop up window design, all of the style definitions are located in default.css in /portals. folder. Look for anything that has .dnnforms I’ll leave this in another topic.
Modifying the Login page is simple, basically it is depends on your skin of the page. If you’re using pop up window, I advise you to create a blank skin for the login page to speed up the loading. (As it uses iframe to load whole login page while showing only the login form in the pop up window, keep the login page simple to speed it up)
Now the hard part, Login Module. You will need to locate these 2 main files:
root\DesktopModules\AuthenticationServices\DNN\Login.ascx and
While you can pretty much leave the .cs file alone, the .ascx file is important for modifying the html structure of the module. The good thing about DNN 6 login module is the tableless coding structure where you can play around with the design only using CSS and Jqeury.
The new installation of DNN6 does not shipped with LiveID and OpenID Authentication anymore. I will leave that part out for now.
If you’re looking for third party login module, I would advise Advanced Login Module from Interactive Webs. (Affiliate link) due to its charming design and flexibility. One major drawback is no source code available.
Until next time then, feel free to ask me if you needed more advanced guide. I’ll try my best to help.